Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kids these days!

After talking to a friend today......she is having "issues" with her twin teen boys .....heading down the "wrong" path. 

Since I have lived through this type of situation, and since it is my passion to help kids like this....I have decided to finally start my video blogs! 

My sister and I had planned on doing this, but never had the time to actually get it started.  It seemed whenever we got deep into conversation about a topic, it was too late to start recording, and we were never showered and ready to make a video!  LOL

So with that being said.....i'm hittin the shower, getting ready and going to make my first video blog!

I hope that I can "reach" this boys and make them realize that they ARE NOT invincible, and that they need to change the path that they are on if they want to make anything of themselves and their lives.

Wish me LUCK!

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