Saturday, May 21, 2011


So after posting on my facebook that I cannot make it home for Memorial Day to place flowers on  my son's grave or at the accident scene......I have had several friends offer to do this for me!  My heart swells with love...... as my eyes swell with tears......of happiness.....that I have such dear and caring friends!

I told one friend that I will just release a balloon in memory of Jordan, and she asked me when I was going to do it and she would release one too!  How cool is that?  So that got me to thinking.....hmmmm!  I am going to challenge all my FB friends/family to do the same!  I challenged/asked them all to fill the sky on Memorial Day.......with a balloon for every person they have lossed ..... put their loved one's name on the balloon or attach a note on the string and release it in their memory. 

 I also asked them to post pictures! I'm so excited to see how many balloons will be released!

PLEASE JOIN US ALL THIS MEMORIAL DAY..................................

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