Thursday, May 26, 2011

Some days

Some days I feel like a total EVERYTHING!

With my kids,

my career,

my marriage,

 my life.......

Why do I feel like I am the one who has to make everything OK for everyone?
Why do I feel like if things aren't OK, then I am the one that did something wrong?
Why do I feel like I am the only one who does anything to make things OK?
Why do I feel like I am the only one who cares?

Then after I stop and think about it.........
I'm's not MY fault!

It's not MY fault that kids don't listen,
they were taught right from wrong,
It's not MY fault the job I wanted to do is no longer my passion,
It's ok to change careers,
It's not MY fault that someone takes things out of perspective,
It's ok to say what I think,
It's not MY fault that people don't really LISTEN when I speak,
It's ok to say what I feel,
It's not MY fault that people choose to ignore the truth,
It's ok to be honest.
It's not MY fault people can't handle the truth,
It's ok to tell it anyway.

It is MY fault if I let others bring me down and make me doubt the person that I am,
so I am making the CHOICE to not let this happen.
I am a better person than that!

It's OK to be ME!

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