Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A NEW Endeavor

When my sister was living here and we were out running around one day with the top down on the Mustang, we stopped at a Thrift Store just to see what they had - The ROC Thrift Store.  Unbeknownst to us, it was a Christian Thrift Store.

We walked in and were immediately spoken to - neither one of us were used to this type of hospitality - not in El Paso, Texas or in Carmel, Indiana - people just don't do that in those areas.

We found a very organized store with tons of clothes, household items, baby items, books, furniture, antiques, dishes....everything you could imagine....was there!

So we looked around and started "shopping" for clothes.  We found name brand clothes like; Levis, American Eagle, Aeropostle, Fang, New York & Company, and many other "high end" brands.  Some had price tags on them; $4, $6, but most didn't...those that didn't were $1.99!  We couldn't believe it....what great deals we were finding!  Needless to we were estatic with our found treasure box.

After being there for several hours and trying on the tons of clothes we found, we picked out the things we wanted most and headed to the check out!

When we got to the check out and the gentleman started ringing up our treasures, we found out that on Tuesday's and Friday's, any clothing item that is $3.99 or lower is only $.95!  WOW...........we couldn't believe it!  I will put it this way.......we walked out of that store with about $1000 worth of clothes and only paid $65!  So needless to say....every week we would go back - either on a Tuesday or a Friday.....and it never failed.....we would always find something...(high end brand of course) that we would buy. 

Well, I went there yesterday to see the new stuff they got in.  I looked around for a while, and this woman had spoke to me several times.  At first I thought she was a customer, but come to find out, she was working there.  She said "I really like those jeans you have on."  I said "Thanks, I got them here!" 

So we chit chatted for a while and she started explaining to me what the money spent there was actually used for; they have 7 or 8 discipleship homes, that house recovering addicts, people in need, teens that have gotten in trouble, and they provide ministry to children - most are at risk, and they work alot within the community - to keep the children from pursuing destructive activities.

I told her about my schooling background; criminal justice and now addictions counseling, and how I wanted to work with kids and teens in this aspect!  She said WOW, maybe you can help us out?!

So, she introduced me to an associate pastor and he invited me to attend their church in Petersburg, and to check out what they are all about, and to see if I would be interested in volunteering some time.

It's not a job, but it will be so worth the time and effort!  This is a new stepping stone for me, to be able to help those that are at risk ...... that's what I want to do with my degrees, so why not volunteer?  And in a Christian setting - what could be better!

My faith has been very weak for several years they (the church) will be helping me just as much!

Who knows......maybe it will turn into a job eventually, or open some doors to lead me in other directions to a job!

"THEY" always say.......people come into your life and paths are crossed for a reason!

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